Episode 109: Your Body is a Revolution

Today’s guest is Tara Teng. Tara is an Embodiment Coach who works in the intersections of spirituality and sexuality. She helps people find their way back to their bodies, overcome shame, heal trauma and dismantle purity culture in a way that is in alignment with their values and beliefs so that they can build a healthy, sexual ethic and thrive in freedom and wholeness.

But before we get to the interview with Tara, we’ll have a little vocabulary lesson as we discuss what a trigger is (and isn’t!) and how to navigate. And don’t worry, we’ll also be having some “prayer time”! Make sure to rate, review, and subscribe to our podcast and follow us on social media.

Instagram: @sundayschooldropoutspod

Website: www.sundayschooldropoutspod.com

Tara’s book: “Your Body is a Revolution” is on sale and can be purchased wherever you like to buy books!

Website: www.tarateng.com

Instagram: @misstarateng

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TaraTeng

Twitter: @misstaratengous trauma. For more information on the support that CTRR provides, for resources–including courses, workshops, and more–head to traumaresolutionandrecovery.com or follow us on Instagram: @traumaresolutionandrecovery 

The views and opinions expressed by Sunday School Dropouts are those of the hosts and not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Center for Trauma Resolution and Recovery. Any of the content provided by our guests, sponsors, authors, or bloggers are their own ideas and opinions.

The Sunday School Dropouts podcast is not anti-religion but it is anti -harm, -power and control, -oppression and, -abuse and will speak to the harmful practices and messaging of fundamentalist groups

Follow Andrew on Instagram and TikTok @deconstruct_everything

Follow Laura on Instagram and TikTok @drlauraeanderson or on her website: www.drlauraeanderson.com


Laura Anderson and Andrew Kerbs

Music by Benjamin Faye Music @heytherebenji 

Editing and Production by Kevin Crowe and can be found at www.kevincrowe.co.


Episode 110: Becoming a Better Body Together


Episode 108: Transitioning out of Purity Culture