Episode 110: Becoming a Better Body Together

We are thrilled this week to be talking to Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza about their work in embodiment! Dr. Roberto is passionate about the politics of radical difference and the ways that our collective differences might shed light on how we become a better body together. This ‘better body together’ concept is something our conversation focuses on, as well as some meaningful and tangible ways that we can practice embodiment and embodied justice in our own lives in the here and now. 

Before we get into our conversation with Roberto, Laura uses the Prayer Request time to talk a little bit about the intersections of what is happening in the Middle East and the End Times teachings that many of us grew up hearing about. After the conversation with Dr. Roberto, Andrew and Laura share their thoughts on the interview and answer listener questions.  

Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza (he/they/dr) can be found on: 

Instagram: @DrRobertoChe 

Twitter: @iRobyn      

Facebook: @DrRobertoCheEspinoza

Website: www.robertoche.com

This podcast is brought to you by the Center for Trauma Resolution and Recovery: an online trauma coaching company whose practitioners are trauma informed and trauma trained to work with individuals, couples and families who have experienced high control religion, cults, and religious trauma. For more information on the support that CTRR provides, for resources–including courses, workshops, and more–head to traumaresolutionandrecovery.com or follow us on Instagram: @traumaresolutionandrecovery

The views and opinions expressed by Sunday School Dropouts are those of the hosts and not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Center for Trauma Resolution and Recovery. Any of the content provided by our guests, sponsors, authors, or bloggers are their own ideas and opinions.

The Sunday School Dropouts podcast is not anti-religion but it is anti -harm, -power and control, -oppression and, -abuse and will speak to the harmful practices and messaging of fundamentalist groups

Follow Andrew on Instagram and TikTok @deconstruct_everything

Follow Laura on Instagram and TikTok @drlauraeanderson or on her website: www.drlauraeanderson.com


Laura Anderson and Andrew Kerbs

Music by Benjamin Faye Music @heytherebenji 

Editing and Production by Kevin Crowe and can be found at www.tubeatoz.com.


Episode 111: Purity Culture 101


Episode 109: Your Body is a Revolution